The U.S. financial system is the largest in the world. It has the greatest diversity of institutions, the widest variety of instruments, and the most highly developed derivative markets. It is also one of the most idiosyncratic financial systems in the world, characterized by an oddly parochial set of laws and regulations that both impair competition and shield inefficacy. How it still can be learned, since knowing and understand financial system is one of the essential part in America life. Financial system contain many different product from basic banking system, to security, mutual funds, bonds, insurance, education funds, retired funds and etc.
Join Seattle U.S. – China Business Council bi-monthly seminar, the topic is Financial Foundations, Protecting Your Asset; The content will cover insurance, education funds and various investments plan.
TOMI LIU is originally from Taiwan. She came to the United States in 2001 and started working in the financial industry since beginning of 2006. She has experienced drastic market up and down during her career life. Tomi currently focuses on financial foundations from protection perspective.
MIKE RABER is a Managing Director with 7 years of experience in the financial industry, 20 years’ experience in the real estate industry and over 30 years as an entrepreneurial. He brings with him an extensive experience in various financial and business development roles. His philosophy has always been to provide education to help his clients be empowered and better equipped to make decisions with respect to their finance leadership and business needs.
LIN HAN has been in the US since 1993. She spent 14 years in the high tech industry as a program manager at Microsoft. She is passionate about helping people and investment. She spent 5+ years in commercial real estate and operating her own businesses. She joined the financial industry since 2014 looking to grow her knowledge and helping educating people protecting their finance.
Date: May 30th 2015 Saturday
Time: 10:30 – 13:30
Place: Newport Way Library Meeting Room | 14250 SE Newport Way, Bellevue, WA 98006
10:30 – 10:45 Reception
10:45 – 11:30 Guest Presentation
11:30 –12:00 Q & A
12:00 – 12:30 Social Networking