Education is always one of the hottest topics of discussion in China, which traces many years. There is an old story-- “Meng Mu San Qian”, basically it tells how Meng Mu valued her son Mencius’ education so greatly, she moved her house three times in order to find the best and most suitable educational environment for her son. Nowadays, as it applies to most of the new immigrants in Seattle, we are Meng Mu in the 21st Century; we want to provide a better education, better environment and better society for our next generation.
Education and Personality both are very important factors while a child grows. Of course, choosing a suitable and good school is essential, and through the many things parents do – and do not do – each day, parents can have a significant impact on children’s personalities.
For many new immigrants to Seattle… How to choose a school? How to look for a suitable environment? How to help children excel? These are always the questions to which we want to find answers…
Seattle U.S. China Business Council (SUNBC) perception and catch the needs of parents from new immigrant group, and specially invited Sun Burford senior teacher from Bellevue School District shared insights of America School Structure and School Culture at a recent SUNBC Luncheon. Addressing the audience of 23 Asian parents at a Chinese Restaurant at Issaquah, WA. Ms. Sun spoke of the feature, category, characteristic of America school structure and shared her own experiences of educating, helping and working with students from overseas; she also spoke about the culture of America school, and gave out some advises and suggestions to the parents i.e. the best month to start school, how to utilize school resources, how important to participate into school activities as a parents, etc.
Ms. Sun’s speech drives lots of questions from the audiences; stick around to the end for a great in-depth informative Q&A.